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David Powell discusses weed and crop protection management for the 2015 growing season.
Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) is caused by the fungus, Fusarium virguliforme. The life cycle of SDS is denoted by two distinct periods of infection of soybean roots in the early spring, followed by advanced disease development during flowering. SDS infects soybeans in the spring under the cool, wet soil conditions that are often associated with early planting.
Chlorotic leaves and interveinal necrosis on soybean does not always equal Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS). Diagnosing sudden death syndrome of soybeans (SDS) based solely on foliar symptoms can lead to an incorrect diagnosis as a few other pathogens can result in SDS-like symptoms.
Tips from the field with Matt Aberle.
Exciting new FS HiSOY products in the group three maturity range. HS 32X90 and HS 35X90. Both had high yields in 2018 trials, and bring an overall strong agronomic package.
Learn about two new exciting high-yielding products - HS 19X90 & 21X90.